VOX-ON-ONE: Simply The Best

Call-Center Service Provider
In 2015, we established VOXONONE, a call center service provider in the South of Japan – Fukuoa, driven by our vision to offer exceptional customer support solutions to businesses both locally and internationally. With a commitment to quality service and a focus on technology-driven solutions, we quickly gained traction, attracting clients from various industries. As the demand for efficient customer care grew, we expanded our services, becoming known for our professional agents and innovative practices that prioritized customer satisfaction.
However, as the world faced the unprecedented challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to adapt quickly to a rapidly changing landscape. Lockdowns and social distancing measures forced us to pivot from our traditional office-based operations to a remote working model. This shift, although challenging, proved to be a turning point; we embraced a flexible work culture, allowing our employees to work from the comfort of their homes. This not only ensured the safety and well-being of our staff but also opened up opportunities to hire talented individuals from diverse locations across Japan and beyond.
Meet Our Team
We are proud to introduce our dedicated team of skilled professionals, who are the backbone of our call center, working tirelessly to provide exceptional customer service and support to clients around the globe.

Kimura H.

watanabe S.
Marketing Director

Cheng L.

Stephanie K.
Area Director

Beth R.

alejandro P.
Team Lead – South America

Shintoika K.
Team Lead – Middle EAst

Botchna L.
Team Lead – Europe